Friday, May 01, 2009

Checking In

Traveling and exploring, R&R with the family.  How screwed up is it to leave the Middle East and get a sunburn in Ireland?
I do have some good thoughts for later posts, but now isn't the time. I'm a little tired of thinking, of communicating on the surfacy word level. It's good to be with my family. From the outside we probably look like a pack of animals, communicating with touches and looks and grunts (occasionally howls, but the moon isn't full).  From the inside it is deep and sincere.


  1. Jorvik4:07 PM

    Ireland or Eire is a cool place to be, parts of it this tune
    " the chidren of the Gael" .very little English in my bloodline, mostly Gaelic,,,,,,,,,,Guiness is better there as well

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    try this on the locals
    "póg mo thóin"
    Pogue mahon ( up yer arse) LOL

  3. I've gotta visit Ireland someday.

    I finally got Meditations in (I had to order it with my local book store, apparently they don't sell your book in the Netherlands).
    Being in love is distracting, took me 3 whole days to finish it. Normally it would've taken me only one. Although at some points I had the idea I was re-reading an entry on this website, it was filled with interesting new things. You gave me something to think about for a while.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Is getting a sunburn in Ireland analogous to letting your guard down in a self-defense situation? Constant vigilance!

