Thursday, April 29, 2010

Romance! Adventure!

I'm not sure how it happened, but a chapter of the Romance Writers of America somehow heard about me, tracked me down, and asked if I'd do an on-line short course on violence for writers. The course will run a month, be handled on a BBS...

Should be fun. Or at least very strange. Part of me keeps saying, "Don't scare the customers" but isn't that really what it's all about?

The first two "lectures" are written and I'm thinking nine:
Base Line; Context; Bad Guys and Violence; Good Guys and Violence; Unarmed; Blades; Gunfighting; Less Lethal; Aftermath.

The class announcement is here.

Should be interesting.

BTW, anyone going to be in San Francisco May 8 and 9?


  1. Oh, go ahead and scare 'em! (They want to write about violence, after all.)

  2. I thought we established how it happened. I quoted you on the Romance Divas web forum and someone there asked me for contact information so she could invite you to provide a little instruction.

  3. Somehow I just never connected you with the Bodice Ripper genre. In retrospect, it seems so obvious.

  4. You're right, Mark! Thanks!
    Scary bodice rippers coming up...
