Friday, May 07, 2010

Some People Don't Care About Science!

You would think that my wife would understand the value of the scientific method. Especially when the need is so great, but no.

The theory struck me late at night: since 1) laughter is the best medicine and; 2) extremely low temperatures have kept people alive when they would normally die (particularly drowning children) it is entirely logical that tickling someone using icy cold fingers might be the ultimate therapeutic touch. It might cure a myriad of diseases.

Despite the unassailable logic, she resists letting me perform the necessary experiments in cold-finger tickling.

It's a damn shame.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    If you're doing proper double blind testing, surely you shouldn't give her advanced notice of said tickling? Otherwise it might just be the placebo effect.

  2. Having met the wife in question, I think that NOT providing adequate notice would result in um, unfortunate consequences.

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Sounds like fun full contact sparring-sort of a sticky hands thing...

    Robert E

  4. jks91996:39 AM

    My wife's accused of running that test, Rory.

    It didn't go over nearly as well as one would have thought...

    Though it does hold some interesting potential, if used in the proper circumstances.
