Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stuff to Do, Stuff to Do...

Marc and Dianna are delivered to the airport. Things are quiet, but in my head the list of things to do and ponder buzz.

It's been a big week. A new combative concept from Kris. Meeting Iain Abernethy and Al Peasland. A very productive VPPG. Called Tim Larkin of TFT (FaceBook is cool for connections) and got some advice. Even better, heard him articulate beliefs that resonated with my personal mission. Talk and gin and narghila with Edwin and Irene and Marc and Dianna. Good sometimes just to listen. First time playing Western sword in probably a decade.

Lots done. Lots to do. Lots to think about.

To do:
The whole video/DVD thing keeps coming up again and again. Tim was dead right- just because of geography, only a limited number of people will ever get to seminars. Videos and writing are the tools to reach the rest. Now I just have to figure out how.

YMAA does want to do a video to back up "Facing Violence" and I need to send script ideas to David Silver.

The e-book on violence for writers is almost done. Needs a read through, an edit, a cover, table of contents and maybe a picture.

Three main 'products' for Marcus.

Which brings up one of the 'ponders.' Marcus is a marketer and talks about picking 'the next big thing' 'branding' and stuff like that. I'm not sure I can get what I do down to one thing. But maybe these three:
1) Training to empower the student. The whole Awareness Based Training paradigm and 'teach yourself'. It is critical.
2) Fight like a criminal. Ran head first into a problem at the Crossing the Pond Expo: there are things that are obvious, so obvious that you feel stupid mentioning them. For instance, it is easier to beat people up from behind. Obvious, right? Then we look and see that the students generally don't have tools for getting behind, so we give them the tools, right? And then, despite the fact that it makes common sense, they have the tools and it is the freshest thing on their minds, the minute the tension levels go up the slightest bit... boom. Fighting face to face again. I'm hoping "fight like a criminal" might be the magic words that give people the permission to step up to the predator's level.
3) The roots of conflict. Between "Facing Violence" and the Conflict Communication program, I think that we can work principles from a deep enough level to give us a handle on all violence. That's huge.

Not sure I could pick just one of those three. They are all pretty important.

Need to reach out to local groups and set up some lunch lectures on avoiding violence and avoiding conflict.

Need to do a 1-hour, useful intro to ConCom.

Create a web page for a 2-day event in Seattle Oct 23-24.

Go through receipts for the Boston trip.

Work on the house.

Start another book...

There's a ton more stuff to do

To think about- that stupid kick. More avenues for business. Locations and markets. Video scripts and technical stuff. How to teach something that seems to be prevented under stress by instinct or conditioning...



  1. Wow, that's quite a list. Let me know if you want me to gander at the e-book (which I had a hand in pandering for).

  2. Yes to the video! I live in Singapore and don't see myself flying over for training anytime soon.

    Looking forward to your new work :)

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I just cannot tell how happy I am to learn that there'll be a video at some point! I'm from Latvia and going to US is way too expensive for me. Your book is a true revelation!
